Tidy Up Downtown
Help keep our neighborhood beautiful.
A beautiful day in the neighborhood sometimes requires a little help from our neighbors. Come Downtown to help beautify the sidewalks and public areas with some tidying up. We’ll be on litter patrol, cleaning benches, pulling weeds, and removing graffiti. This is a great way to show your support for our locally-owned small businesses and demonstrate your community pride.
COMMITMENT: 2-3 hours per event
HELPFUL SKILLS: Eagerness to help; awareness of surroundings
AGE MINIMUM: Typically 10 years, but we try to schedule a project to include littles every couple of months
SCHEDULE: We host reoccurring events on the first Sunday and third Monday of each month and add additional projects when the need arises. Check out our volunteer calendar for all of the upcoming opportunities.
More Info: https://www.downtownhillsboro.org/tidy-up-downtown/