This calendar is specifically intended for Downtown Hillsboro business owners and managers. It will contain meetings, reminders, and other activities that are relevant to doing business Downtown, and that may impact businesses when they are planning out their own events, promotions, and staff schedules. This will be separate from the Downtown Community Calendar that is used to promote events taking place in Downtown.

If you would like to suggest an event or program that should be included, please contact us with the title, date, and primary contact. 

Major holidays are included as a reminder for days when businesses may have special hours or closures. It’s recommended to go into your Google, Facebook, and Yelp profiles to update your hours for these dates. Check out this link for a full list of holidays and observances in the USA. For fun holidays to inspire creative promotions, here is a list of fun holidays that you could celebrate.

Both community events and large scale business-hosted events are included as an opportunity to activate your business and take advantage of anticipated increases in pedestrian traffic Downtown.

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