How do you get around Downtown and what would make it easier and safer?
A third place refers to a social surrounding that is separate from the two usual social environments of home ("first place") and workplace/school ("second place"). Where is your Downtown third place?
There is a role for everyone in Downtown. How are you involved now? How do you want to be involved?
We want to know what you think is missing Downtown. What do you feel like you have to order online or drive out of town to get?
We are pretty sure that as our Downtown grows, it will become more of a destination for regional, national, and even international tourists. If you weren’t here already, would you visit?
We believe that it is essential that everyone that lives, works, or visits Downtown feels welcome, included, and secure.
What are the best ways for us to let you know about Downtown happenings?
We believe a Downtown community make an impact in the efforts to fight Climate Change.
We are directly upstream from Jackson Bottom Wetlands and the junction where several creeks join the Tualatin River, meaning that how we treat our environment is important. Equally important is ensuring that our neighbors have equitable access to nature and the benefits of the natural world (shade, fresh air, beauty, locally grow foods, dark skies, less noise pollution, etc.).
We have a fairly robust calendar of event, but know there is demand and capacity for more.
*We also keep visual ideas on our Pinterest boards.
Idea sharing and management is essential to both HDP’s community engagement efforts and our long term strategic planning. It can feed into and continue evolving the community’s vision for what Downtown Hillsboro will look, feel, and act like in the future.
We do not guarantee that every idea will come to fruition, but we do commit to providing you feedback when you want it and keeping your idea in our list of ideas, in case it is the perfect match to a future initiative or project.
If you have a barrier/disability that you anticipate preventing your full participation in this process, please let us know and we will do everything reasonable to accommodate you.
We consider idea sharing to be a self-guided process, thus the various tools available for submitting ideas. You may encounter HDP representatives along the way, but we are just here to assist and stimulate the idea process, not to guide.